Noorse Boskatten Cattery Av Ljossalfheim


Kittens Kittens Kittens Kittens Kittens Kittens Kittens Kittens

Show results Kittens




Status Kitten:


Available Beschikbaar Available Frei
Option Interesse getoond Interest shown Anfordern gezeigt
On hold Voorlopig gereserveerd Tentative reserved Vorläufig Vorbehalten
Booked Niet langer beschikbaar No longer available Vergeben






I - nest    I-Litter       I - Wurf Coming soon
H - nest   H - Litter    H - Wurf

1 girl available

G - nest   G - Litter    G - Wurf Adopted
F - nest    F - Litter    F - Wurf Adopted
E - Nest     E - Litter   E - Wurf Adopted
D - Nest   D - Litter    D - Wurf Adopted
C - Nest    C - Litter     C - Wurf Adopted
B - Nest    B - Litter     B - Wurf Adopted
A - Nest   A - Litter     A - Wurf Stays




Een kitten is niet alleen een leuke aanwinst voor het gezin maar ook een hele verantwoordelijkheid. Helaas kunnen onvoorziene omstandigheden altijd voor extra kosten zorgen. Denk bv eens aan een breuk in een pootje. De rekening van de dierenarts loopt dan snel op. Dan is het super fijn om verzekerd te zijn. Via ons krijgt u korting op de diverse verzekeringen van Protech. Het enige wat u daarvoor hoeft te doen is klikken op de onderstaande link.U treft deze ook aan op onze pagina Links....





The poem underneath was send to me by my dear friend Cinserai after we lost the battle for Faralder's life. Today I saw it again and it still gives me goosebumps. Only breeders will truly understand but everyone else will hopefully be touched by it too.


~The Breeders Poem~

Love My Little Kitty, she makes my house a home
she always is my best friend, I never feel alone
She makes me smile, she makes me laugh
She fills my heart with love...
Did some breeder breed her, or did she fall down from above

I've never been a breeder, seen life through their eyes
I hold my little kitty and just sit and criticise
I've never known their anguish, I've never felt their pain
the caring of their charges, through snow, wind and rain

I've never sat the whole night, waiting for babies to be born
The stress and trepidation when they're still not here by dawn
I've never felt the heartache, of a little life in my hands
This darling little baby, who weighs but 60 grams

Should you do that instead of this.. or this instead of that
Alone you fight, and hope one day, he'll grow to be a cat
and bring joy to another being, and make a house a home
You know its all just up to you, you'll fight this fight alone

Formula, bottles, heating pads, you've got to get this right
Two hourly feeds for this tiny guy, throughout the day and night.
In your heart you know, your almost sure to lose the fight
to save this little baby, but god willing.. you just might

Day one he's in there fighting, you say a silent prayer
Day two and three, he's doing well, with lots of love and care
Day four and five... he's still alive, your hopes soar to the heavens
Day six he slips away again, dies in your hands day seven

You take this little angel, and bury him alone
With aching heart and burning tears, and an exhausted groan
You ask yourself "why do I do this?..why suffer all this pain?"
But when you see the joy your kittens really self explains

So, when you think of breeders and label them with "greed"
Think about what they endure to fill another's need
Whey you buy a kitten and with your precious dollars do part
You only pay with money...we pay with our heart.






Kittens 2016


Ons tweede en laatste nestje van 2016 is geboren. Ainur en Lotje zijn de trotse ouders.



Net  geboren / New borns






4 weken / 4 weeks / 4 Wochen







3 weken / 3 weeks / 3 Wochen






Introductie / Introduction





Hi, I finally arrived! Look below to see more pictures of me!

Klick on my picture to see me being born!




Goodness, oh my! white, over black silver (blotched?), odd eyed
adopted by his Destiny
carrier of amber and possibly non-agouti



14 weken, mooi zijn is vermoeiend.



13 weken, keeping an eye on you...



Yes, I can be so sweet!



11 weken zo een ontzettend lieve klier!


10 weken en een paar dagen last gehad van een ontstoken oogje na de enting. Ook dat hoort er bij.


Planning and Plotting!


I Loves cuddles....





Hey You! Ai Izz cute Yesssss?




Na 3 weken toch een kleine aanpassing aan zijn naam!

3 weeks, a slight change of name!

3 Wochen, eine geringfügige Änderung des Namens!



Wat een heerlijk wezentje.



Thizzz my good site, Yes?







Pure liefde, Purely love, Reine Liebe







Kijk, ik groei!                                                                        Zwaartekracht werkt weer tegen.

Look at me growing!                                                         Gravity, again!

Guck mir wachsen                                                            Gravitation arbeitet gegen!

















Net geboren, New born, Neugeborene





















Faramir Ve Black Smoke Adopted by Bodhi
Faraldr Black Silver Tabby RIP




Faramir, bijzonder en lief voor twee!

Faraldr, geboren met zo een mooi gewicht van maar liefst 130 gram. Kort na de geboorte was al duidelijk dat er iets niet klopte. De natuur is hard maar functioneel, desondanks wilde ik het niet zo maar opgeven. Daarom heb ik Faraldr bijna 2 weken om de 2 uur, 24 uur per dag, bijgevoed. Blij met elke vooruitgang en diep bedroefd bij elke tegenslag. Het gevecht was tevergeefs, iets wat mijn onderbewuste al wist maar dat ik nog niet kon accepteren. Faraldr is een Noorse naam en de betekenis komt neer op Reiziger.

Veel fokkers vermelden overleden kittens niet op hun website. De kittens hoeven tenslotte niet geplaatst te worden. Voor mij is elk kitten bijzonder. Faraldr heeft slechts kort bij ons mogen zijn maar ook zijn leven is de moeite van het vermelden waard. Vergeten zal ik hem nooit dus ook hij verdiend een plekje op onze site.

Rust zacht mooi lief vriendje.






3 weeks, trying to eat moms food...





















Eystein Dyri av Ljossalfheim black amber tabby with white Adopted by Annette, cattery Birketrold, Danmark, rehomed to Kelly & Family
Eventyr Elsha av Ljossalfheim black tabby mackerel with white, amber carrier Adopted by Ids
Eilinora Dyri av Ljossalfheim blue amber tabby mackerel with white Adopted by Hans
Elvie Draki av Ljossalfheim black amber tabby spotted with white Adopted by Nuria and Luismi from Las Meigas Cattery, Spain
Eyarr av Ljossalfheim blue tabby mackerel with white RIP



















03-03-2015, a proud mother with her new born babies!




Dagrun av Ljossalfheim Blue Tortie Tabby Classic, White Adopted by Sandra
Dagaz av Ljossalfheim Blue Tabby Mackerel, White Adopted by Marjorie & Bas
Danu av Ljossalfheim Blue Solid
Adopted by Patries & family




May 7, first trip to the vet





7.5 weeks, taking over the dogs bed... What will follow?




7 weeks, the easiest way to get a picture is to wait until they are sleeping!




6 weken and so adorable!





4 weeks, well almost!




3 weeks, right after a meal of chicken and duck (still on their face).


Dagaz, also 3 weeks...



3 shades of Blue, feeturing Dagaz, Danu and Dagrun.

10 days...



Looks, Áizzz real princes, not boy! Gives me new name.

Ok Dash Dot, you will be Dagrun if I can keep on calling you Dotje.






















kITTENS 2014







Celtic Punk av Ljossalfheim, black silver tabby, moved to Marjorie en Bas.

Cool Jazz av Ljossalfheim, white, RIP  05-08-2014,




Celtic Punk and Cool Jazz our third litter and second twin. After mom Esperanza disapproved of the whelpingbox and had me sit with her in the most unconvenient places. She finaly decided to give birth on our bed. The maternity mattress was there just in time. So happy I bought those.

Cool Jazz, our so much desired white amber carrier. So gentle and loveable he got the name of one of my favorite music styles.  Celtic Punk, the gorgeous black silver tabby we hoped for, was born with a mohawk and immediately got the name Punky. Both boys are very venturous and sweet. We so wished to see them grow up together. Since we are not Punky is being cute enough for two and is double trouble as well. Love that song, love his crazy stuff.





Looks at me profile, lady butler, very proudly, says.....
















Lazy sunday....




Being washed and weighed, at the same time. Why? Did I do wrong? Must be nightmare... Me go sleepz some more.






Ow so pretty...





Me and my doggy.




Waking up.... or not, that's the question!



Toilet training.                                                 Having an off-day?





So Precious!  










♂     Boreas av Ljossalfheim, blue tabby mackerel, moved to Sandra, Jan & Theo.  

♀      Bestla av Ljossalfheim, blue tabby mackerel, moved to Cattery Les Plaisirs Nature.                            



Boreas and Bestla, both so sweet and beautiful. Both so alike and so different at the same time. The Norwegian charateristics are fantastic. Both in brother and sister. Bestla is independent, relaxed, sweet and so big boned we had to call her Bestla.  While she was satisfied with the baby bench and her mothers love, Boreas was always exploring. No borders for him. That is how he got his name. Boreas is always looking for attention. From is personal staff, from his mother and aunty and from our dogs.

Bestla found her forever home at Cattery Les Plaisirs Nature and will soon go to her first show. We most certainly will attend that show.

Boreas found his new butlers too. We already received a fantastic picture, taken minutes after ariving in his forever home. Hopefully we will get permission to put the picture on our website. Is shows a beautiful young cat, full of convidence, claiming his new staff. A bit later we received a message that Boreas was already giving kisses, was purring a lot and tried to knock over a glas of wine.



Love me tender....



Will you tickle my tummy?



I'm waiting....




Help... we do not want our flu shot...          Boreas so, tired after visiting our vet.




On top of the world, get me down... Now!




Kittey, upsite down, a perfect position for a nap.




Kitteh exploring:





No pictures, please.....



Wat een geweldig duo. Vanaf de geboorte flink met elkaar aan het donderjagen. Vechten om dezelfde tepel maar ow jee als eentje in de problemen raakt... Bestla zat als eerst boven in de krabpaal maar de weg terug naar beneden bleek toch erg moeilijk. Uiteraard is Boreas haar meteen komen helpen. Hij klauterde naar boven, dacht ook oei en hielp zijn zus dus vooral met alarm slaan waarna wij beide moesten redden.






Ainur av Ljossalfheim, blue tabby mackerel, available!



Ainur, for our first baby we wanted a strong and meaningful name. Ainur sounded perfect. This name had everything we were looking for. As Ainur did himself. He is a sweet, modest and cuddly boy. He talks a lot and loves to play fetch. Obviously he has exelent Norwegian features too. Well at least in my eyes. My opinion however might be slightly prejudiced so I took the first possibility and went with Flitz and Ainur to a big Felidae show in Dusseldorf, Germany (September 7th of 2014). The results were mindblowing. For all results, have a look at shows.




Ainur Best in Variety (NFO without white) at the Neocatshow in Nijmegen



Ainur was nominated Best in Show at the Felidae show in Dusseldorp!


I like the pool...



Noorse blik versus baby buikje...



I feel pretty......


2500 grams.... No not me....


11 weeks and finally in the whelping box.


On the look out.



Me catch toy....



Prrrr Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......



Looks at me, I izz 30 days and has biggy fangs now!


17 dagen, days, Tagen



7 dagen, days, Tagen


Een eerste nestje is oververgetelijk hebben een aantal mensen mij verteld. Dat klopt. Dit nestje zal ik mij inderdaad altijd herinneren.

A first litter is unforgettable, I was told. True it is.

Ein erster Wurf ist unvergesslich. Das ist absolut der Fall.





Status Kitten:


Available Beschikbaar Available Frei
Option Interesse getoond Interest shown Anfordern gezeigt
On hold Voorlopig gereserveerd Tentative reserved Vorläufig Vorbehalten
Booked Niet langer beschikbaar No longer available Vergeben












Vrienden met kittens    /    Friends with kittens    /     Freunde mit Kätzchen:










Vrienden die kittens verwachten    /    Friends who expect kittens   /   Freunde die Kätzchen erwarten:




Show Results av Ljossalfheim kittens

Boreas av Ljossalfheim 24-01-16 Neocat, Houten Excellent 1 CAP
24-01-16 NVVK, Rotterdam Excellent 1 CAP
Dagrun av Ljossalfheim 24-01-16 Neocat, Houten Excellent 1 CAC
17-04-16 NVVK, Rotterdam Excellent 1 CAC
Elvie av Ljossalfheim 07-02-16 Felidae, Hannover Excellent 1 CAC
Elvie av Ljossalfheim 11-10-15 NRKV, Wassenaar Excellent 1 Kittenklasse
Elvie av Ljossalfheim 27-09-15 Felidae, Paaren Glien Excellent 1 Kittenklasse
Danu av Ljossalfheim 05-12-15 Felidae, Bremen D Excellent 1 Sonderpreis
Danu av Ljossalfheim 11-10-15 NRKV, Wassenaar Excellent 1 Kittenklasse
Danu av Ljossalfheim 23-08-15 Felidae, Leipzig D Excellent 1 Nom BIS
Eysteinn av Ljossalfheim 14-02-16 BCF, Turnhout B Excellent 1 CAC
Eysteinn av Ljossalfheim 10-01-16 ECA, Berchem B Excellent 1 CAC
Eysteinn av Ljossalfheim 18-10-15 Aarslev, Denmark Excellent 1 BIV, Nom BIS, Fife
Elsha av Ljossalfheim 23-08-15 Felidae, Leipzig D Excellent 1 Nom BIS
Kittens E 28-06-15

Felidae, Hamburg D

Excellent 1 Best In Show!
Bestla av Ljossalfheim 24-01-16 Neocat, Houten Excellent 1 CAC en KAMPIOEN
25-10-15 NLKV, Baarn Excellent 1 CAC + voorgedragen BIV
12-04-15 NVvK, Eindhoven Excellent 1 CAC
01/03-15 NLKV, Eindhoven Excellent 1, kittens Ringkeuring kittens 2
Ainur av Ljossalfheim Click








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